Let’s Learn Science!

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Get the only fully digital science curriculum built on the science of how students learn. We help you provide students with lifelong learning that enhances their critical, creative, and scientific thinking skills.

Science Bits is powerful and proven to work. More than just a middle school science curriculum, it’s a state-of-the art teaching platform that motivates learning and is fully prepared for all your future needs.

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on research

It’s the only digital science curriculum shown to improve student outcomes, supported by peer-reviewed, long-term studies. Schools using Science Bits see:

Read our research studies
An increase in student understanding
Post-test learning gains

What makes Science Bits better
for teachers and students?

Science Bits is a complete digital science curriculum for middle school students. Following the 5E model, the Science Bits platform empowers educators with all the tools they need to teach science.

Say Adios to textbooks

The most immersive online digital platform…ever.

Complete teaching platform for Middle School Science

  • 3,500++

    interactive activities

  • 1,500++

    videos and animations

  • 600++

    lab simulations

The most awarded science teaching platform in the world

Science Bits has more than 20 international awards for innovation and educational excellence.

What’s more, in a controlled, peer-reviewed study, students in schools using Science Bits achieved nearly double the learning gains compared to schools using traditional teaching methods.

What Schools Say

I was hunting for a new curriculum… and I found it! Young learners stay on task longer, test scores are better… their learning is better. It saves you a ton of time. This is everything you need. Fully aligned with your state standards Charlene Wetzel Science Teacher, Archbishop Rummel High School, LA See full video
If you're looking for something that will help you teach, inspire, and motivate students to learn science, then Science Bits is your best partner. In 14 years, I have found nothing better! Amber Richards Art & Science Instructor Eton Elementary School, GA
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Guide your students to their own Aha! moments

Science Bits is the only science curriculum designed to ensure that student learning is durable, transferable, functional and productive. It follows the 5E Model with great fidelity, meaning student learning gains can almost double, according to Dr Rodger Bybee, creator of the method.


Interest is generated through a relevant context and prior knowledge is mobilized.


New ideas are built through problem solving and guided inquiry.


Concepts and procedures are formally presented and practiced.


New knowledge is applied to solve new problems in new contexts.


Learning outcomes are obtained in terms of understanding and transferability to new situations.


A platform made for teachers by teachers

It’s simple to use and has all the tools you need to plan and deliver incredible science classes.

Planning a science class has never been simpler. Science Bits comes with 30+ smart teaching tools, designed to help you deliver outstanding lessons.

See how we enable teachers and empowering students



  • Use content aligned with your State standards
  • Drag and drop activities into your class plan
  • Explore teacher notes including learning goals and common misconceptions
  • Access teacher guides online or download


  • Connect with your student’s prior knowledge
  • Harness curiosity and develop real understanding
  • Experiment in interactive 3D virtual labs
  • Mix and match activities to suit your classes
  • Include your own materials
Testing progress

Testing progress

  • Save hundreds of hours each year with autograding and record keeping
  • Create exams and revision materials with interactive exercises
  • Ditch memorization: test understanding through the application of knowledge
  • Dive deep into individual competencies and progress
  • Use ongoing formative assessment easily in your classroom


  • Save hundreds of hours each year with autograding and record keeping
  • Create exams and revision materials with interactive exercises
  • Ditch memorization: test understanding through the application of knowledge
  • Dive deep into individual competencies and progress
  • Use ongoing formative assessment easily in your classroom