For Teachers

Deliver Amazing
Science Lessons

We make
teachers shine

Teaching goes beyond just preparing and delivering lessons. It’s about anticipating your students’ needs, connecting with them on a personal, social and emotional level, and sharing your expertise and enthusiasm. But more than that, it’s about making a difference.

Inspiring teachers to inspire students

Everything we do is designed to make you shine. Science Bits is full of brilliant and purposeful activities that challenge students and encourage learning.

What’s more, with Science Bits, teachers get the flexibility they need to adapt and differentiate lessons for each student. It’s also easy to combine Science Bits with your physical labs! Now, students get lab access 24/7 with over 600 amazing 3D interactive lab simulators.

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When teachers have support, magic happens

The right technology helps teachers bring science to life and drives tangible improvements in student engagement and understanding.

Professional development that combats neuromyths

We guide teachers as they learn about the 5E learning model and ensure they have access to proven best practices in education.

Unleash your amazing inner science teacher

Everything has a learning curve. Our fully comprehensive training and mentoring helps teachers get the best value from Science Bits.

Bespoke training

With Science Bits, teachers and students get the best from their science class with practical, easy-to-implement ideas that make a difference.

Helping you and your students, bit by bit

Be a master of the universe in your own classroom with Science Bits!

You get a full suite of easy to use smart teaching tools, a proven methodology and a fully prepared curriculum.

Science Bits chunks everything for you and your students. We combine technology with contrasted research on how people learn, and the materials you need for teaching. This includes supporting teaching guides, suggested learning sequences and all the guidance you need to succeed.

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You want to

See if students understand, use cold calling and make exit tickets part of your class with Science Bits Live. It’s easy to make ongoing formative assessment an integral part of your lessons even with large groups.

We help you make it interesting through pedagogical guidance, purposeful multimedia and well thought out materials designed to spark student curiosity.

More than just teaching science, Science Bits helps you enable student learning. At the same time, you’re building resilience as well as communicative, creative and critical skills. As you enable your students, we enable you with all that you need to be the best science teacher ever.

All of us had a teacher who made a difference. Science Bits helps you become that teacher. Our prepared lessons and complete methodology means you focus on teaching, supporting student’s learning. You can make every minute count in your classroom.

We help you ensure the level is right for each student. You can adapt and differentiate lessons for students who struggle and ensure other students are still engaged and equally challenged. We know that real success and satisfaction comes from that lightbulb moment when your student gets it.